Dental Implants: Making Them Last a Lifetime
If you have recently had dental implants placed, you will certainly want to protect your investment with the proper care and maintenance. Dental implants can last for decades with just a little extra effort on your part.
To ensure your implants retain their function for a lifetime, follow these simple guidelines:
- Brush and floss thoroughly at least twice a day to avoid periodontal disease. Although the implant will not decay, an accumulation of plaque can lead to infection that is a common cause of implant failure.
- Ask your dentist if there are any special oral care products recommended. Special toothbrushes or oral irrigation systems can help to better remove plaque and other debris from the implant area.
- Maintain a regular schedule of dental cleanings and checkups to detect any problems that may be of concern before they can affect your dental implants. For the first year after implant placement, you can expect to visit your dentist about every three months. After the first year, you should return for examinations every six months for the life of your implants.
- To prevent damaging your restoration, refrain from exerting extreme pressure on the implant area. Avoid eating hard foods that could also damage the implant.
- If you suffer from teeth clenching or grinding, consult with your dentist about being fitted for a night guard to prevent issues these habits can cause for your implants.
- Wear a protective mouth guard when playing contact sports.
Your dentist should provide you with specific aftercare instructions to follow immediately after implant placement. By taking excellent care of your dental implants and restorations, you will reap the rewards of a lifetime of excellent oral health and function.