Oct 7, 2016 | Blog, Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist
The first part of your mouth to greet anything you put into it is your tongue. Therefore it stands to reason that after eating and drinking all sorts of things throughout the day, there’s a good chance your tongue will be covered with food residue and bacteria. These deposits can lead to breath that will chase people away. Let’s see how your tongue affects your breath, and what you can do about it.
Your tongue plays an important role in your mouth. It works together with your teeth to move and chew food in your mouth, and your tongue aids the swallowing process. It also helps you speak and taste. With your tongue involved in so many aspects of your mouth function, it’s easy to see how it comes into contact with everything that enters it. Food particles land between your teeth, on your gums, and on your tongue. The bacteria associated with food debris mixing with your saliva create germs on the top of your tongue. Have you ever looked at your tongue and noticed that it looks like the surface is coated in white? This substance is a visible display of germs in your mouth accumulating there, and it can cause your breath to stink.
The only way to get rid of the bacteria and associated odor on your tongue is to clean it. Otherwise, everything that has entered your mouth that day is likely to linger on your tongue and affect your breath. You need to brush your tongue along with your teeth at least twice a day. Use your toothbrush to remove any food or bacteria remnants left on top of your tongue. You can also ask your dentist about getting a special tongue cleaner made for this purpose. Whatever tool you use, remember to clean your tongue along with the rest of your mouth in order to help control bad breath.
General dentist in Central Falls Rhode Island – Schedule your visit today!
Sep 21, 2016 | Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist, Uncategorized
Dental x-rays are used to diagnose disease, imperfections, and injuries of your mouth. It can help identify issues with your teeth, gums, or bones. These special types of pictures allow your dentist to determine exactly what’s going on inside your mouth, and suggest the best treatment for you.
What is a dental x-ray?
X-rays use electromagnetic radiation to penetrate your body and create an image on film. Dense structures like fillings or metal restorations block the energy and appear white on film, while structures containing air look black on film. Teeth, tissue, and fluid appear in shades of gray. Your dentist is trained to view the x-ray film to identify the various structures and any potential concerns.
Are there different types?
There are various types of x-rays that your dentist may use. Some, like the bitewing, require you to bite on a paper tab while the x-ray is performed. A panoramic x-ray involves a machine that rotates externally around your head. It captures your jaws and teeth in one shot, and is ideal for planning dental implants, viewing wisdom teeth, and identifying jaw problems. Panoramic x-rays, however, are not the best option for detecting cavities.
What should I expect when getting a dental x-ray?
This test is performed at your dentist’s office, and no special preparation is required on your part. However, you should tell your dentist if you are pregnant so that radiation precautions may be taken or the x-ray may be postponed. X-rays do not cause pain or discomfort, and there is very little radiation exposure. Your dentist will cover your body with a lead apron, however, to reduce exposure.
What’s a digital x-ray?
Many dentists take x-rays using digital technology, which allows the image to travel through a computer. Digital x-rays transmit less radiation during the procedure than traditional x-rays.
Do you need dentist in Central Falls Rhode Island – click here to schedule a visit.
Sep 26, 2016 | Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist, Uncategorized
There’s no such thing as a good time to get a toothache, but it’s especially bothersome to come down with the pain when you can’t get in to see your dentist. So what should you do until you can get an appointment?
Have you quit smiling? Maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed that your teeth aren’t as white as you’d like. When your teeth become discolored, it can be a reason to hide them in embarrassment. Let’s find out some of the reasons why your teeth lose their luster.
The color of your teeth and your age are directly related. Teeth darken from use and stain buildup. The older you get, the more stubborn the stains become. That means that teeth whitening results are less dramatic and immediate the older you are.
Original color
Each person starts with a natural color of their teeth, which changes over time. Staining is more evident on some tooth colors than others. Also, some original colors respond better to whitening procedures than others.
Genetic traits
Teeth have traits like how thin they are or how clear, or translucent, they are. These traits get more obvious as you age. Thin teeth, most often occurring on the front teeth, are more difficult to whiten. Thick, opaque teeth look lighter in color and respond better to whitening.
Damage to teeth
People who grind their teeth often develop minor cracks in their teeth. That can lead to teeth that are darker on the edges. Trauma to the teeth from injuries may create large cracks, which attract even bigger amounts of staining.
Consuming foods and drinks that are known to discolor teeth can cause considerable staining over time. Red wine, tea, cola, coffee, and berries are some of the major culprits. Also, acidic foods like citrus fruits can erode tooth enamel. This causes the yellow-colored dentin of your teeth to become more visible.
Smoking and drug use
Nicotine leaves a brown film on your teeth that soaks in and discolors them. Some drugs like tetracycline are known to stain teeth, and can be very difficult to remove.
Sep 7, 2016 | Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist, Uncategorized
A severely decayed or infected tooth can sometimes only be saved with root canal treatment. This type of procedure may be performed by some dentists, but others may refer patients to a specialist called an endodontist. This type of specialist focuses on restoring badly damaged teeth through root canal therapy.
The focus of root canal treatment is removing damaged or infected pulp from the tooth, which is located in its center. It can only be accessed by drilling or cutting into the tooth, and then the infection or decayed material is removed. The inside of the tooth is cleaned out, a filler is placed in the hollowed out area, and then a crown or cap is placed on the tooth to avoid further decay. This also restores the tooth’s function and appearance. Without root canal therapy, often the only alternative is to extract the tooth.
Root canal treatment has a reputation of being one of the most dreaded procedures in dentistry. The procedure has improved through the years, and another important aspect is the skill of the professional performing the root canal. This is where endodontists come into play, because they are specially trained and have a great deal of experience in root canal therapy. Endodontists go through an additional 2-3 years of special training and study, so they are highly qualified for even the most complicated cases. Anesthetic is used in nearly all root canals, so the treatment often ends up being similar to getting a regular filling. Minor pain may occur for a couple of days following treatment, but over-the-counter medications usually provide relief. In the end, when an endodontist has performed your root canal treatment, your tooth’s function will be restored after just a few days of recovery.
Contact our dental office in Central Falls Rhode Island if you need a root canal.
Sep 14, 2016 | Blog, Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist
Foods that stain and lifestyle habits like smoking affect your teeth over time. One of the direct results of certain choices is yellowed or discolored teeth. Most people prefer to have a brilliant white smile that portrays good health and an attractive appearance. As a result, people are turning more and more to teeth whitening methods to restore their smile. There are two main kinds of whitening products, those that contain hydrogen or carbamide peroxide and those that don’t contain any peroxide.
Peroxide methods
This type of whitening method bleaches your teeth, which means it changes your actual tooth color. Here are some details:
- Stains – removes both surface and deep tooth stains.
- Application – may be administered professionally at the dentist’s office or at home using over-the-counter products, such as gels and strips.
- Percentage of peroxide – home bleaching products typically yield about 4 percent peroxide. Professional bleaching products contain between 25 to 40 percent peroxide, which is obviously a much stronger concentration.
- Side effects – the most common side effects of products containing peroxide are tooth sensitivity, gums and other soft tissue irritation, and redness. It is also known to sometimes cause erosion of tooth enamel.
Non-peroxide methods
Instead of using peroxide to bleach teeth, these products use chemical or physical action to remove stains and polish the teeth. Here are more details:
- Stains – removes only surface tooth stains.
- Application – most commonly found in whitening toothpastes.
- Side effects – negative side effects are minimal to none. There are no harsh chemicals that cause irritation or discomfort.
Ask your dentist first before beginning any tooth whitening method, no matter which option you are considering. Some conditions like crowns, lots of fillings, or severe discoloration can impact the type of product recommended. Your dentist can help you determine which method is right for you.
Teeth whitening dentist in Central Falls, RI
Jan 15, 2017 | Blackstone Dental Central Falls RI Dentist, Uncategorized
What you eat not only helps your body grow strong, but these choices also impact your oral health. A balanced diet will reduce the risks of cavities and promote gum health. Knowing which food and beverages to avoid will help you protect your gorgeous smile for a lifetime.
Refined sugar
Because the bacteria in your mouth can easily metabolize simple sugar, options such as sodas, sweet treats, and even carbohydrates like white breads can provide a great food source for these organisms. An increase in the bacteria in your mouth often leads to demineralization of tooth enamel, which makes you susceptible to tooth decay.
Acid foods
Too much wine, fruit juices, or citric fruits like oranges can wear away enamel and weaken teeth. Have a piece of cheese to counteract the effects of the acid.
Hard foods and snacks
Chewing certain candies, nuts, popcorn, and even ice can cause small fractures in your tooth that may eventually lead to more significant damage.
One-sided diets
If you opt for a “pasta only” or “grapefruit” diet, your body will only get limited nutrients. Without the right vitamins and minerals, your health may suffer, which could include trouble with your teeth.
Follow these tips to keep teeth healthy:
• Chew gum with Xylitol
• Choose healthy alternative
• Limit snacks between meals
• Rinse with water after you eat
• Try foods like carrots, celery, and apples, which are naturally abrasive and can help clean teeth