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Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Dental implants provide an innovative solution for replacing missing teeth. A titanium rod is surgically placed in the jaw so that it can fuse with the bone, and ultimately an artificial tooth is placed on top to complete the process. This type of surgery is an intricate process that should be performed by a qualified and experienced dentist or oral surgeon. Even patients under the care of the most skilled professionals sometimes encounter problems with dental implants. Here are some risks to watch out for with this procedure.

The most common concern with nearly any type of surgery is the possibility of infection. Oral surgery is no different, with the risk of infection related to tissue and gums. Carefully following the dentist’s instructions for aftercare and any restrictions is vital in avoiding infection.

Nerve and tissue damage:
During dental implant surgery, various nerves and tissue are involved. A qualified healthcare professional should have years of experience in carefully performing the surgery so that tissue and nerves are not damaged in the process.

Improper fusing:
One key element of a successful dental implant is for it to fuse properly with the jaw bone. If that does not occur, pain or other issues may result. The dental implant must be attached carefully and the patient must follow the recovery guidelines in order to help guarantee a successful outcome.

Dental implants are becoming more and more common to restore the function and appearance of a healthy mouth. The best way to steer clear of the risks associated with this procedure is to seek treatment from a reputable and well-established professional. Between having a high-quality procedure and making smart choices throughout recovery, the likelihood of a successful dental implant increases.

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Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of Dental Implants

Are you missing one or more teeth? Dental implants are among the best possible solutions for patients missing teeth. Dental bridges and dentures can fill the gaps left by acute decay or gingivitis, but dental implants have many advantages over these other techniques.

Dental implants are typically made of titanium and serve as an artificial root for a missing tooth. They are fused directly to the jawbone and become an excellent foundation for replacement teeth. They are the best possible substitute for a natural tooth that a dentist can provide.

Dental implant therapy has several benefits, among them:

  • Dental implants are very convenient. Bridges necessitate cleaning carefully under and surrounding the bridged tooth, and dentures need to be removed and specially cleaned and can utilize messy adhesives to affix them to your mouth. Dental implants are cleaned exactly as you would clean your natural tooth. Brush and floss normally. There is no slippage or cleaning beneath or between the replacement tooth, which is permanently attached to the gum via the dental implant, which fuses to the bone in a process known as ossification.
  • Dental implants look better than other replacement teeth. They are intended to appear and function as your natural tooth would.
  • Because they’re fused to your bone, they are more secure than dentures or bridges that can slip in the oral cavity, causing pain, muddled speech and problems eating or drinking. Dental implants are incapable of slippage, leaving you to lead your life with confidence and security.
  • Dental implants preserve bone by stimulating the bone in your jaw, something necessary for the health of the bone. Without this stimulation, the bone can begin to shrink.
  • Dental implants are very durable and can last for decades, if not for a lifetime, when cared for properly.
  • Because dental implants don’t require any alterations to the surrounding teeth, those natural teeth are able to remain intact, lending to your overall good oral health.

Our dental office is located in Central Falls

Improving Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

Improving Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

By all accounts, missing teeth negatively impacts a person’s quality of life. Smiling, laughing, eating and speaking just aren’t the same when there are holes left by teeth that used to be there. Instead of going through life with missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures, consider the cutting-edge option of dental implants.

An increasingly popular restoration, dental implants are one of the most requested procedures in dentistry. They involve surgically inserting a titanium post directly into the jaw so that it fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once the area has healed, an artificial tooth is placed on top of the titanium post to provide a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing new tooth.

One of the reasons for the success of dental implants is that they have the edge over the other options because of the benefits. They provide a very long-lasting, durable solution because they literally will last your entire life with proper hygiene and checkups. Implants are a one-time investment in your smile.

Implants do not negatively affect other teeth since placement doesn’t tamper with adjacent teeth. Implants are good for your jawbone because bones require stimulation to maintain strength and density. Your facial structure also benefits when you have a complete set of teeth, instead of ending up with a saggy, unsupported looking face.

Dental implants are both convenient and comfortable. No special care is required, such as with dentures, because normal brushing and flossing is all that’s needed. Implants are securely in place in your mouth and become part of your body; you won’t even realize you have them. You’ll also be able to continue eating the foods you love since no diet restrictions are necessary with implants.

Another great thing about dental implants is they help boost your self-esteem. You’ll enjoy a whole new level of confidence when you can smile, laugh, talk and eat without worrying about missing teeth. If you choose to get dental implants, you can expect your quality of life to improve.

We treat patients from Central Falls and the surrounding area

Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Dental implants have become the standard of care recommended by dentists for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Compared to other solutions, many patients are finding that dental implants give them a reason to smile.

Dental implants provide a new tooth and root that looks, fits, functions, and feel like a natural tooth. Implants avoid the potential problems associated with some alternatives, such as trouble eating, speaking or laughing.

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care, making them outlast most of their counterparts which have a lifespan of up to 10 years.

Patients are able to retain their natural face shape. Missing teeth can make a person’s face look sunken and saggy, but implants allow you to maintain your proper face shape and smile.

Missing teeth may cause jaw bone deterioration or loss, but implants preserve and stimulate the natural bone. The jaw is able to maintain its strength and firmness, protecting your bone structure. Also, neighboring teeth are not affected by dental implants. Healthy adjacent teeth are not damaged and stay exactly where they should be.

Cavities can’t take hold in a dental implant and crown. Proper hygiene and regular checkups should continue to ensure your mouth is healthy, but that particular tooth will not decay.

Dental implants erase the patient’s embarrassment about their smile and give them the confidence to enjoy life again. No more worries about a big space in the smile, and no concerns that the restoration will loosen or fall out like may happen with dentures.

There are no hassles for the patient to alter their diet because implants allow natural biting and chewing. Favorite foods can still be enjoyed with this restoration.

If you need a dentist in Central Falls contact us today

The Role of Dental Implants in a Smile Makeover

The Role of Dental Implants in a Smile Makeover

Are you getting a smile makeover? Do you have one or more missing teeth? Your cosmetic dentist will definitely want to replace those teeth during your smile makeover in order to prevent future problems. Issues may result from your teeth shifting to fill the empty spaces that can affect the overall shape of your face. One of the best and most desirable options for tooth replacement is dental implants.

Dental implants are the top-of-the-line choice for tooth replacement. They are the most like natural teeth in both form and in function. No one will know by looking at you that your tooth is an implant, and you might not even be able to tell it yourself when you’re eating! A dental implant is so secure, it can feel just like your natural tooth.

There are two main parts to a dental implant: the screw base and the tooth restoration. The screw-like base is typically made of titanium. This gives it incredible strength and longevity. The implant is placed directly into the bones of the jaw where it begins to function as a natural tooth root. Over time, oseointegration will occur and the implant will fuse with the bone. The tooth portion of the implant is created in a lab where dental artists are careful to replicate the surface texture and translucency of your natural teeth.

Dental implants can also be used to anchor dentures. Because they’re so strong, they give the dentures a stability that adhesives and suction can’t ever provide. Denture-wearers will never have to deal with embarrassing slipping or clacking again when dental implants are utilized with their dentures.

Consult your cosmetic dentist to see what role dental implants can play in your smile makeover. Begin enjoying your new smile as soon as possible.

If you live in the Central Falls area contact us today

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

Many patients seeking the stability and durability of dental implants wonder what the difference is between mini implants or standard sized dental implants. The basic differences are with regard to their intended function.

A standard dental implant is larger than 3 millimeters in diameter and is made up of two parts: the screw and the abutment. The screw portion of a dental implant is made of titanium, a non-toxic metal well tolerated by the body. The success of all dental implants is due to this bio-compatibility. Materials that aren’t tolerated by the body can create a response by the immune system and may lead to serious problems over time.

With a standard implant, the screw has two threaded areas: external, to screw into the bone and internal, to accommodate any components that are screwed into the implant for security. This internal area provides for the abutment. It is on this abutment that the tooth portion of a dental implant is attached. It also holds dentures firmly in place.

A mini dental implant is smaller than 3 millimeters in diameter and has one solid piece instead of screw and abutment. A mini implant has a solid screw body with a rounded ball shape that extends out of the jawbone. This rounded ball can hold a denture with a corresponding slot, keeping the restoration firmly in place.

Because they are smaller, mini implants provide less support than a standard implant. For example, four mini implants would be needed to hold a patient’s lower dentures in place securely. For the same job, only two standard sized implants would suffice.

Consult your dentist to determine if mini implants or standard implants are right to address your missing tooth or teeth. Get the right implant for your specific needs.

We treat patients from Central Falls and the surrounding area