Hiding flaws in your smile is easy with dental veneers. These thin porcelain shells are bonded to the fronts of your teeth to create a whole new look for you. Problems like stains, misalignment, gaps, chips, cracks and more are hidden behind these customized restorations.
Dental veneers can last up to ten years or longer with proper maintenance. They resist stains and allow a beautiful, natural smile. Veneers do not bother your gums or slip in your mouth like some restorations are known to do. Your diet remains much the same, and you can feel confident in your smile.
To promote the longest lasting smile with your veneers, there are some simple steps to take to care for them. Brush gently with a soft toothbrush and a non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, preferably after meals. Floss your teeth at least once every day. These steps are really no different than what you should have been practicing as your normal dental hygiene routine before veneers.
Regular dental checkups are important when you have veneers. Your dentist will examine them to make sure they are bonded securely and not being damaged in any way. Teeth grinding is one habit that can harm dental veneers, so if there are signs of that your dentist may advise a mouth guard for sleeping. You should also avoid eating extremely hard foods like jaw breaker candies. To achieve maximum wear from your veneers, ask your dentist which hard foods you may want to steer clear of to avoid cracks or chips. In general however, exercising common sense about your diet should be acceptable with this dental veneers.
A beautifully restored is possible for nearly all aesthetic flaws to your smile with dental veneers. And with good care, you’ll be smiling for years to come.